måndag 18 juni 2007

Grenada, Mississippi

Yupp.. Nu är vi en liten håla som heter Grenada i Mississippi. Vi valde att stanna här, cirka 1,5 timmes bilfärd fråm Memphis eftersom vi behövde tvätta lite och vi ville inte irra runt som höga höns i Memphis på jakt efter ett hotell mitt i natten.
Så vi hamnade i Grenada.

Bilresan från New Orleans har varit både lite läbbig och vacker. Det har varit lite av en tropisk storm här under dagen och det har regnat så iiiiiiiin i helskotta då och då. Men ibland sprack det upp och blev lite sol, men man kunde fortfarande se blixtarna längre fram längs vägen där stormen fortfarande härjade. Så det var vackert som tusan!

Nu ska vi relaxa lite för imorgon ska vi tejpa på oss våra nya polisonger, klämma in oss i varsin glittrig sparkdräkt och dra till Memphis på jakt efter "The King"!

Yup, now we are in a small little town called Grenada in Mississippi. We chose to stay here, around 1,5 hours from Memphis, tonight since we had to do some laundry and didnt want to drive around Memphis like doped up chickens while trying to find a decent hotel.
So we ended up here in Grenada.

The trip up from New Orleans has been both beautiful and scary. It is a bit scary driving at the moment since there is some sort of tropical storm around here at the moment. And we get these attack-downpours that make it hard to see anything out the windshield.
But every now and then the raining stops, and the sun come out. But at the same time, we can still see the lightning further up the land, so that is very beautiful!

Now we're just relaxing so we are fit for tomorrow when we're taping on our sideburns, squeezing into our glittering jumpsuits and heading up to Memphis to look for "The King"!

Keep it cool, y'all!
Ha det fint där hemma!

/M & S

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

Dude, you have to get photos of yourself with a few essays...failing that, short stories.

Anonym sa...

Ohhhhhhh! How we've missed you! You read like you're having a ball. I've done my best to direct Thomas & Nicolai, though have to admit I sent them scurrying a few times. ;(
Love the New Orleans glam--is it all the fun it is suppose to be?
jees! you are covering some ground! Don't forget to make your top ten fav list when returning!
ta for now!